The Town Council Public Works Committee has scheduled two meetings for a Mount Auburn Street project update

Tuesday, October 16, 2018 and Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ask questions and review plans with the project team starting at 6:00 PM

Each Committee meeting begins at 7:00 PM

Town Hall, Administration Building
Richard E. Mastrangelo Council Chamber

149 Main Street, Watertown, MA

After endorsing the Complete Streets concept plan, including the road diet and general layout, on July 10, the Town Council has asked the Public Works Committee to review the Mount Auburn Street project in more detail. At these meetings, the project team will provide an update on the design and on-street parking impacts in the business districts before submitting a 25% design to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). Materials from the July 10 Town Council meeting and a summary of the Council’s vote can be found on the Documents page.

The October 16 meeting will focus on the Mount Auburn Street corridor from Patten Street to approximately School Street, highlighting two alternative designs for parking and bus stop impacts at the Common Street intersection. Download a joint meeting flyer for more information.

The October 30 meeting will cover approximately School Street to the Cambridge city line, focusing on the design in Coolidge Square. Download a meeting flyer for more information.