25% Design Submitted to MassDOT

In December 2019, our team submitted the Mount Auburn Street 25% Design to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). This design package included technical design drawings based on the conceptual design endorsed by the Town Council in November 2018. This important milestone helps the project advance and remain on track to receive funding as part of the State’s Fiscal Year 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  

There will continue to be opportunities for public input throughout the design review process, including the 25% Design Public Hearing to be hosted by MassDOT, later this year. We remain committed to continuing to work closely with the Town Council and Public Works Committee on information dissemination. Our next step will be to receive comments on the design from various MassDOT departments and collaborate to resolve them over the coming months. We will distribute additional information and offer an opportunity to review the design plans before MassDOT schedules the Design Public Hearing. Stay tuned for updates through our email list and on this website.

We also plan to coordinate with various utility providers on potential impacts to their infrastructure during and after construction, as well as the MBTA regarding replacement of the overhead bus catenary wire system on Mount Auburn Street.

Thank you for continuing to follow this important project.