Join us on Jan. 30 for a Coolidge Square Open House

Date:               Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Snow Date:     Wednesday, February 7, 2018*

Time:                4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Location:        The Apartments at Coolidge School - Auditorium

                         319 Arlington Street, Watertown

Visitor parking is available in the front of the building and additional spaces are behind the building along the fence. All other spots are for residents only.

The Town of Watertown Department of Public Works invites you to attend an interactive Open House about making Complete Streets improvements on Mount Auburn Street in Coolidge Square. Stop by anytime between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM to review maps and informational materials, discuss your questions with members of the team and Town staff, and provide comments on traffic, safety, bicycle and pedestrian issues, parking and loading concerns, and transit operations on Mount Auburn Street. Download a meeting flyer and help us spread the word!

*In the event of inclement weather, we will notify our email list of any cancellations and post updates on this website.