DATE: Thursday, February 15, 2018
TIME: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
LOCATION: Watertown Free Public Library
Watertown Savings Bank Meeting Room
123 Main Street, Watertown
The Town of Watertown Department of Public Works invites you to attend a Mount Auburn Street project meeting to discuss bus transit planning along the corridor. We will also discuss potential technologies and amenities that could be incorporated into the project to improve bus service and increase reliability for the more than 5,000 daily riders.
At the meeting, we will also touch upon an exciting bus rapid transit (BRT) pilot project with the City of Cambridge and the MBTA to improve Route 71/73 service between Belmont Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. Although the pilot project will proceed independently of our Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project, we hope to use the results and data collected from the pilot to inform our design.
Download a meeting flyer and help us spread the word!