Starting on March 21, National Grid began replacing the gas main that runs down the center of Mount Auburn Street. The work will take place in advance of future Mount Auburn Street road reconstruction.
The main is aging and full replacement will eliminate the need for future repairs. There are benefits for customers – an upgraded system and improved, reliable performance and fewer leaks and more safety devices – and for the environment – reduced methane and carbon dioxide emissions from the older leak-prone system.
The work area is approximately 2 miles long and will be broken into 4 sections for construction. Work is beginning at Mount Auburn Street at Arlington Street, with one crew proceeding towards the Cambridge City line and a second crew proceeding towards School Street. At the same time, work will begin at Mount Auburn Street at Walnut Street and proceed towards Taylor Street. At a later date, the section between School Street and Walnut Street will be replaced.
The presentation from National Grid’s March 21 public meeting provides the street work plan, work schedule and answers commonly asked questions about the work and how to reach National Grid if you have questions (781-907-5158).
Notices were distributed to abutting residences and businesses along Mount Auburn Street. Work begins this month and will extend until July 2023, with three crews working on the project.
National Grid plans to maintain at least one travel lane in each direction on Mount Auburn Street. The disruption to parking will be minimized and police details will assist with vehicle and pedestrian access through the work zones, and be available in case of unplanned street closings. Work times will be 7 am – 3:30 pm, Monday-Friday; work may be limited in school zones. There is a possibility of Saturday work, which would start at 8 am. National Grid will coordinate with the MBTA if there are any bus stops impacts.
During construction, National Grid will provide weekly project updates to the City. You will be able to review that information posted on the Department of Public Works’ website: