We hope you are having a good start to your spring. The Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets Project Team is pleased to share some exciting progress updates. Our project recently reached an important milestone – MassDOT has approved the 25% Design which defines the general layout as presented at MassDOT’s November 2021 Public Hearing. This means the project team can move forward with the 75% Design, including tasks such as:
Bringing a landscape architect on board to develop landscaping and streetscape concepts
Continuing to coordinate with the MBTA on enhancing transit operations which could result in some minor design changes
Reviewing loading/delivery issues in Coolidge Square
Developing more detailed designs suitable for construction such as traffic signal layouts, utility upgrades/modifications, and site grading to ensure the roadway and sidewalk improvements match existing conditions at the limits of work
MassDOT is in the process of responding to public comments from the November hearing and remains committed to holding another public informational meeting once the 75% Design is ready for review.
The project will be funded through the state’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). To maintain the funding schedule, the project team recently provided a readiness update to the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) supporting a Fall 2023 project bid date.
Additionally, you may have noticed two recent changes on Mount Auburn Street. Late last month, the MBTA de-energized the overhead catenary wires and began temporarily replacing trolley buses on Route 71 (and 73) with diesel-hybrid buses due to a total of five roadway projects in Watertown, Cambridge, and Belmont.
Around the same time, National Grid began replacing the gas main that runs down the center of Mount Auburn Street. The work is a critical step to improving infrastructure and a prerequisite to the future Mount Auburn Street road reconstruction project. The presentation from National Grid’s March 21 public meeting provides the street work locations list, work schedule, and answers commonly asked questions about the work and how to reach National Grid if you have questions (781-907-5158).
We greatly appreciate your continued support of the project and look forward to providing you with additional updates as we advance the design.