Mount Auburn Street Project Update: 75% Design Plans Submitted

Mount Auburn Street Project Update: 75% Design Plans Submitted

The Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project team is pleased to share some exciting progress updates. The project remains on schedule to go out to bid later this year, allowing the project to begin construction in early 2024. The project team continues to coordinate with MassDOT on the project schedule for the next steps.

75% Design Plans Submitted to MassDOT

On October 17, 2022, the project team submitted 75% design plans to MassDOT for their review. MassDOT is planning to send out responses to public comments on the 25% design in the coming weeks. Since these plans have progressed from 25% to 75% design, the project team has:

  • Begun working with a landscape architect and City staff to develop landscaping and streetscape concepts which we expect to bring to the community for your input in the coming months. This includes creating opportunities for placemaking in commercial areas throughout the corridor, providing site amenities such as benches and bicycle parking, and protecting and expanding the existing tree canopy and vegetation.

  • Continued to coordinate with the MBTA on enhancing transit operations, safety, efficiency, and service, which could result in some minor design changes.

  • Canvased local businesses in Coolidge Square to understand vehicle and truck loading needs to develop a loading plan for the district. Learn more about this below.

  • Performed a detailed review of the water system on Mount Auburn Street, including sampling and inspecting sections of the water main pipe. While the water main in the street is old, it is in very good condition. The City will be installing additional valves on the main to improve operational efficiency later this year. The MassDOT project will replace and/or relocate hydrants along the corridor based on condition and location with respect to on-street parking.

  • Developed more detailed designs suitable for construction such as traffic signal layouts, utility upgrades/modifications, and site grading to ensure the roadway and sidewalk improvements match existing conditions at the limits of work.

  • Began the Right of Way acquisition process. To complete the project, it will be necessary to acquire both permanent and temporary easements from private property owners along the corridor. The project team is identifying necessary easements and will work with a qualified appraiser to determine their value to ensure property owners are compensated properly. In the coming months, the City will reach out to property owners if an easement is needed on their property. Learn more about MassDOT’s Right of Way acquisition process here.

Once MassDOT has fully reviewed the 75% design plans it will host a Public Informational Meeting to present the project to the public.

Work Continues on Loading Zones

Over the summer, the project team conducted a survey of area businesses to better understand business operations, deliveries, and loading needs. We are using the results of the survey and the feedback we received as a guide to incorporate loading and delivery zones in the final design. The team will be reaching back out to businesses with proposed loading and delivery zones and looks forward to ongoing conversations about these issues.

Update from National Grid

National Grid continues to replace the gas main that runs down the center of Mount Auburn Street. This work is taking place in advance of future Mount Auburn Street road reconstruction.
The main is aging and full replacement will eliminate the need for future repairs. There are benefits for customers – an upgraded system and improved, reliable performance and fewer leaks and more safety devices – and for the environment – reduced methane and carbon dioxide emissions from the older leak-prone system.
The work area is approximately 2 miles long and spans from Summer Street to the Cambridge City line. National Grid currently anticipates completion of this work in spring 2023. We understand that this work has been impactful and appreciate residents' and businesses’ patience as construction continues.  Please contact National Grid with questions regarding the work at 781-907-4006.

Updated Functional Design Report Now Available

In January of 2016, a preliminary Functional Design Report (FDR) was submitted to MassDOT and the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, prior to beginning work on the 25% design plans for the Mount Auburn Street Corridor Project. This was necessary to gain early acceptance of the concept of a road diet along Mount Auburn Street and to obtain funding for the project. 

The FDR is an evaluation of the current Mount Auburn Street corridor from Patten Street, just east of Summer Street to the Cambridge City limits. It also includes a section of Arlington Street, beginning north of the intersection with Mount Auburn Street and continuing south to Grove Street terminating at Merrifield Avenue. It assesses existing conditions, identifies operational and safety deficiencies, and recommends an improvement strategy to address any deficiencies identified. 

During development of the concept plans, it was evident a revised FDR would be necessary to capture changes in the design as a result of our robust public participation process, recent changes in traffic volume projections, and incorporation of bus transit priority. This FDR, prepared in June of 2021, replaces the previous version with updated crash data, revised traffic volumes, traffic operations analyses, concept plans for the corridor, and ultimately supports the 25% design plans. 

You can view the updated Functional Design Report here

Coolidge Square Business Survey Results

In June, the Mount Auburn Street project team hand delivered surveys to Coolidge Square businesses to better understand business operations, deliveries, and loading. The feedback received will be used by the City to address delivery and loading needs in the project design. 

The project team reviewed the results of the survey and identified several themes: 

  • Deliveries are made throughout the day, without any one period of time being most popular

  • Businesses have little to no control over when deliveries are made 

  • The time it takes for deliveries varies greatly 

  • Delivery vehicles use Mount Auburn Street and/or side streets most frequently 

Based on survey feedback, we are now evaluating parking and loading options to better accommodate delivery and loading vehicles. The project team’s focus is to designate loading areas on side streets, recognizing the importance of preserving customer parking options along Mount Auburn Street.

We would like to thank all Coolidge Square businesses that submitted survey responses. They will lead to an improved project design.

Coolidge Square Business Owners: We want to hear from you!

MassDOT recently approved the Mount Auburn Street 25% Design plans. As we advance the design, the City of Watertown is looking to better understand business operations, deliveries, and loading. Because double parking and other illegal parking can be dangerous, the City would like to accommodate your delivery and loading needs in the project design to the extent possible.

The City of Watertown is distributing a survey to business owners in Coolidge Square. The results of this survey will be reviewed by the project team and considered as the team develops plans for parking and loading on Mount Auburn Street in Coolidge Square. Individual responses will not be shared publicly.

You can take the survey online here until June 22, 2022.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

We are also distributing print versions of the survey. If for some reason you did not receive a print version, please request a copy by emailing us at:

Project Update - 25% Design Approved by MassDOT - April 2022

We hope you are having a good start to your spring. The Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets Project Team is pleased to share some exciting progress updates. Our project recently reached an important milestone – MassDOT has approved the 25% Design which defines the general layout as presented at MassDOT’s November 2021 Public Hearing. This means the project team can move forward with the 75% Design, including tasks such as:

  • Bringing a landscape architect on board to develop landscaping and streetscape concepts

  • Continuing to coordinate with the MBTA on enhancing transit operations which could result in some minor design changes

  • Reviewing loading/delivery issues in Coolidge Square

  • Developing more detailed designs suitable for construction such as traffic signal layouts, utility upgrades/modifications, and site grading to ensure the roadway and sidewalk improvements match existing conditions at the limits of work

MassDOT is in the process of responding to public comments from the November hearing and remains committed to holding another public informational meeting once the 75% Design is ready for review.

The project will be funded through the state’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  To maintain the funding schedule, the project team recently provided a readiness update to the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) supporting a Fall 2023 project bid date.

Additionally, you may have noticed two recent changes on Mount Auburn Street. Late last month, the MBTA de-energized the overhead catenary wires and began temporarily replacing trolley buses on Route 71 (and 73) with diesel-hybrid buses due to a total of five roadway projects in Watertown, Cambridge, and Belmont.

Around the same time, National Grid began replacing the gas main that runs down the center of Mount Auburn Street. The work is a critical step to improving infrastructure and a prerequisite to the future Mount Auburn Street road reconstruction project. The presentation from National Grid’s March 21 public meeting provides the street work locations list, work schedule, and answers commonly asked questions about the work and how to reach National Grid if you have questions (781-907-5158).

We greatly appreciate your continued support of the project and look forward to providing you with additional updates as we advance the design.

National Grid Gas Main Work Started on Mount Auburn St

Starting on March 21, National Grid began replacing the gas main that runs down the center of Mount Auburn Street. The work will take place in advance of future Mount Auburn Street road reconstruction.

The main is aging and full replacement will eliminate the need for future repairs. There are benefits for customers – an upgraded system and improved, reliable performance and fewer leaks and more safety devices – and for the environment – reduced methane and carbon dioxide emissions from the older leak-prone system.

The work area is approximately 2 miles long and will be broken into 4 sections for construction. Work is beginning at Mount Auburn Street at Arlington Street, with one crew proceeding towards the Cambridge City line and a second crew proceeding towards School Street.  At the same time, work will begin at Mount Auburn Street at Walnut Street and proceed towards Taylor Street.  At a later date, the section between School Street and Walnut Street will be replaced.

The presentation from National Grid’s March 21 public meeting provides the street work plan, work schedule and answers commonly asked questions about the work and how to reach National Grid if you have questions (781-907-5158).

Notices were distributed to abutting residences and businesses along Mount Auburn Street. Work begins this month and will extend until July 2023, with three crews working on the project.

National Grid plans to maintain at least one travel lane in each direction on Mount Auburn Street. The disruption to parking will be minimized and police details will assist with vehicle and pedestrian access through the work zones, and be available in case of unplanned street closings. Work times will be 7 am – 3:30 pm, Monday-Friday; work may be limited in school zones.  There is a possibility of Saturday work, which would start at 8 am. National Grid will coordinate with the MBTA if there are any bus stops impacts.

During construction, National Grid will provide weekly project updates to the City. You will be able to review that information posted on the Department of Public Works’ website:

Changes Coming to Route 71 Buses on Mount Auburn Street

The MBTA recently announced that trolley buses on Routes 71 and 73 will be temporarily replaced with diesel-hybrid buses this spring due to Mount Auburn Street and four other roadway projects in Watertown, Cambridge, and Belmont. In Spring 2024, the MBTA expects to begin operating battery electric buses, as announced in the MBTA’s news release:

“These projects require an anticipated five-and-a-half-year shut down of the overhead catenary wire system used to power the MBTA’s only remaining trolley bus service on Routes 71 and 73. While the trolley bus service on Routes 71 and 73 will be replaced with diesel-hybrid buses for the first two years of this shutdown period, the MBTA expects to begin operating battery-electric buses (BEBs) on Routes 71 and 73 beginning in spring 2024.”

The MBTA’s announcement also mentioned the upcoming National Grid project scheduled to take place on Mount Auburn Street before our project begins construction. National Grid will replace and upgrade its new gas infrastructure on Mount Auburn Street between Belmont Street and Watertown Square. This project is expected to take two years to complete and is necessary step before we start construction. We will provide contact information for National Grid once the utility work begins.

Updated Draft Conceptual Plans Available; Comment Period Extended

The updated draft conceptual plans are now live on the Design and Documents pages.

Additionally, MassDOT has extended the comment period deadline on the 25% Design. Please note: Comments submitted to the City or through our project email address or website are not part of the MassDOT record. Comments must be sent to MassDOT to be part of the project record, and must be received at the address below. 

Project inquiries, written statements and other exhibits regarding the proposed undertaking may be submitted to Carrie E. Lavallee, P.E., Acting Chief Engineer, via e-mail to or via US Mail to MassDOT, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 6340, Boston, MA 02116, Attention: Project Management, Project File No. 607777. 

Materials from 25% Design Public Hearing Now Available; Comments Due 11/19

Thanks to everyone who participated in MassDOT's virtual 25% Design Public Hearing on November 4, 2021. You can now view a copy of the presentation on MassDOT’s website. You will receive a follow-up email when a recording of the meeting is available. 

Project inquiries, written statements and other exhibits regarding the proposed undertaking may be submitted to Carrie E. Lavallee, P.E., Acting Chief Engineer, via e-mail to or via US Mail to MassDOT, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 6340, Boston, MA 02116, Attention: Project Management, Project File No. 607777. Statements and exhibits intended for inclusion in the public hearing transcript must be emailed or postmarked no later than ten (10) business days after the hearing is posted to MassDOT’s website

Please note: Comments must be sent to MassDOT to be part of the project record, and must be received at the address above by November 19. Comments submitted to the City or through our project email address or website are not part of the MassDOT record.

We will let you know when the updated draft conceptual plans are posted to this website. Going forward, we will continue to provide updates to this email list as MassDOT's design review continues.

MassDOT Announces Virtual Public Hearing on November 4

In January 2020, we reported that the Project Team submitted the 25% Design for the Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). The submittal was based on the conceptual design endorsed by the Town Council in November 2018.

Over the last 18 months our Project Team met with MassDOT to hold comment resolution meetings with the various MassDOT divisions, such as utility, right-of-way, traffic operations, and complete streets. Comment resolution is a prerequisite to holding an official 25% Design Public Hearing for the project. In addition, the City continues to prepare for advancing the project, undertaking tasks that will be required, such as coordination with other planned utility work on the corridor to complete the design and prepare for construction.

MassDOT has announced that the virtual 25% Design Public Hearing will take place on Thursday, November 4, 2021, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  You can view and share a meeting flyer. The public is welcome to attend, view a MassDOT presentation, and ask questions or make comments.

We’ve listed answers to some questions you may have below.

Q:          Is the project still on schedule?

A:          The project will be funded through the state’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  Each year, the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) evaluates and schedules proposed projects within the region for funding as part of the five-year TIP capital plan. The Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project continues to rank very high in the competitive TIP program. 

Last year, funding for the Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project was split between FY 2022 and FY 2023.  The MPO is currently programming the State’s FY 2022 – 2026 TIP. A number of factors enter into the programming, including the project schedule and factors such as utility designs, coordination and construction that would have to take place before the project work can begin.  

A FY 2023 funding year could allow the project to begin construction in early 2023.  The Project Team continues to coordinate with MassDOT on the project schedule for the next steps.

Q:          Is this the final design for the project?

A:          The Public Hearing will address the design at the 25% level. It is not the final design and there may be changes moving forward based on the feedback that MassDOT receives during the 25% plan review. MassDOT welcomes your comments on its review through the Public Hearing process.

Q:          How can I attend the 25% Design Public Hearing and what is the format?

A:          The 25% Design Public Hearing will be held by MassDOT and must adhere to its format and requirements.  It will be a Zoom meeting. Information is provided on the hearing flyer and on MassDOT’s website (under the project name “Watertown - Rehabilitation Mt. Auburn St.”). The Project Team will continue to provide updates through this email list.  The meeting will be recorded and will become part of the public record.  A question/answer period, moderated by MassDOT, will follow the presentation.

Q:          How can I submit comments to MassDOT about the project?

A:           According to MassDOT, project inquiries, written statements and other exhibits regarding the proposed undertaking may be submitted to Carrie E. Lavallee, P.E., Acting Chief Engineer, via e-mail to or via US Mail to Suite 6340, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02216, Attention: Project Management, Project File No. 607777. Statements and exhibits intended for inclusion in the public hearing transcript must be emailed or postmarked no later than ten (10) business days after the hearing is posted to MassDOT’s website. Please note that comments submitted to the City or through our project email address/website are not part of the MassDOT record, but we will share them with MassDOT for informational purposes.

Q:         Will there be additional meetings for the project?

A:          The City has committed to continuing its public process as the design progresses, particularly as related to streetscape design.  MassDOT has also indicated a willingness to provide a 75% design update meeting in the future.

Q:          Are the catenary wires being removed?

A:          We are aware that the MBTA is performing system-wide studies on removing catenary wires and replacing its fleet as part of ongoing MBTA capital planning and sees the corridor improvement project as a window of opportunity to upgrade transit infrastructure for the 71/73 routes.  As our design advances beyond the 25% design, we will continue to coordinate our plans with the MBTA.  We can adjust our design and plans should additional direction be provided to the Project Team.