Mount Auburn Street Project Update

In January 2020 we reported that the Project Team submitted the Mount Auburn Street 25% Design to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), based on the conceptual design endorsed by the Town Council in November 2018.

We recently received comments from the various MassDOT departments that are responsible for review. The Project Team is coordinating with MassDOT to hold comment resolution meetings with the various MassDOT divisions, such as utility, right-of-way, traffic operations, and complete streets. Comment resolution is a prerequisite to holding an official 25% Design Public Hearing for the project. MassDOT representatives anticipate a late spring hearing.

We’ve listed below answers to some questions you may have.

Is the project still on schedule?

The project will be funded through the State’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Each year, the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) evaluates and schedules proposed projects within the region for funding as part of the five year TIP capital plan. The Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project continues to rank very high in the competitive TIP program. 

Last year, funding for the Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project was split between FY 2022 and FY 2023. The MPO is currently programming the State’s FY 2022 – 2026 TIP. Although discussions are ongoing, it is likely that the Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project will be rescheduled to start in State FY 2023, owing to delays in obtaining 25% Design review comments.

A FY 2023 funding year would allow the project to begin construction in early 2023. The Project Team continues to coordinate with MassDOT on the project schedule for the next steps.

Are the catenary wires being removed?

Although we are aware that the MBTA is performing system-wide studies of removing catenary wires and replacing their fleet as part of ongoing MBTA capital planning, we have been instructed to continue our design assuming the catenary poles and wires will remain in place. We are able to adjust our design and plans should additional direction be provided to the Project Team.

Where can I view the 25% Design Plans?

After the comment resolution process is completed, we will post the 25% Design plans to the project website. The 25% Design plans will not incorporate comments or changes that arise during comment resolution. Per MassDOT procedures, these comments would be addressed during 75% Design.

How will I hear about the 25% Design Public Hearing and what is the format?

The 25% Design Public Hearing will be held by MassDOT and adhere to its format and requirements. In addition to meeting the MassDOT advertising requirements, the Project Team will also provide notification through the Mount Auburn Street email list – you can sign up at

25% Design Submitted to MassDOT

In December 2019, our team submitted the Mount Auburn Street 25% Design to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). This design package included technical design drawings based on the conceptual design endorsed by the Town Council in November 2018. This important milestone helps the project advance and remain on track to receive funding as part of the State’s Fiscal Year 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  

There will continue to be opportunities for public input throughout the design review process, including the 25% Design Public Hearing to be hosted by MassDOT, later this year. We remain committed to continuing to work closely with the Town Council and Public Works Committee on information dissemination. Our next step will be to receive comments on the design from various MassDOT departments and collaborate to resolve them over the coming months. We will distribute additional information and offer an opportunity to review the design plans before MassDOT schedules the Design Public Hearing. Stay tuned for updates through our email list and on this website.

We also plan to coordinate with various utility providers on potential impacts to their infrastructure during and after construction, as well as the MBTA regarding replacement of the overhead bus catenary wire system on Mount Auburn Street.

Thank you for continuing to follow this important project.

2019 Project Update

On November 13, 2018, the Town Council voted to endorse the Mount Auburn Street conceptual design for submission to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for the 25% Design review. Read materials from previous public meetings on the Documents page.

In the months to come, our team will be working hard behind the scenes, preparing technical design drawings based on the approved conceptual design. These drawings will become part of the 25% Design submission to MassDOT, expected later this year. There will continue to be opportunities for public input throughout the design review process, including the 25% Design Public Hearing to be hosted by MassDOT, likely in early 2020. Construction for this project is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2021.

We are committed to working closely with the Town Council and Public Works Committee on information moving forward. As we receive comments on the design from MassDOT, we will keep everyone updated through our email list and on this website.

Thank you for continuing to follow this important project.

The Town Council Public Works Committee has scheduled two meetings for a Mount Auburn Street project update

Tuesday, October 16, 2018 and Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ask questions and review plans with the project team starting at 6:00 PM

Each Committee meeting begins at 7:00 PM

Town Hall, Administration Building
Richard E. Mastrangelo Council Chamber

149 Main Street, Watertown, MA

After endorsing the Complete Streets concept plan, including the road diet and general layout, on July 10, the Town Council has asked the Public Works Committee to review the Mount Auburn Street project in more detail. At these meetings, the project team will provide an update on the design and on-street parking impacts in the business districts before submitting a 25% design to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). Materials from the July 10 Town Council meeting and a summary of the Council’s vote can be found on the Documents page.

The October 16 meeting will focus on the Mount Auburn Street corridor from Patten Street to approximately School Street, highlighting two alternative designs for parking and bus stop impacts at the Common Street intersection. Download a joint meeting flyer for more information.

The October 30 meeting will cover approximately School Street to the Cambridge city line, focusing on the design in Coolidge Square. Download a meeting flyer for more information.

Join us on May 14 for an Open House

DATE: MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018
TIME: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: Hosmer Elementary School - Cafeteria
1 Concord Road, Watertown

The Town of Watertown Department of Public Works invites you to attend an
interactive Open House presenting Complete Streets improvements recommended for
Mount Auburn Street. Stop by any time between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM to review the
planned Complete Streets plan for the corridor. You can also discuss your questions
with members of the team and Town staff on topics including traffic, safety, bicycle and
pedestrian issues, parking and loading concerns, and transit operations on Mount
Auburn Street.

Download a meeting flyer and help us notify others who might be interested in the project.

Join Us at a Transit Public Meeting

DATE:               Thursday, February 15, 2018

TIME:                6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

LOCATION:        Watertown Free Public Library

                         Watertown Savings Bank Meeting Room

                         123 Main Street, Watertown

The Town of Watertown Department of Public Works invites you to attend a Mount Auburn Street project meeting to discuss bus transit planning along the corridor. We will also discuss potential technologies and amenities that could be incorporated into the project to improve bus service and increase reliability for the more than 5,000 daily riders.

At the meeting, we will also touch upon an exciting bus rapid transit (BRT) pilot project with the City of Cambridge and the MBTA to improve Route 71/73 service between Belmont Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. Although the pilot project will proceed independently of our Mount Auburn Street Complete Streets project, we hope to use the results and data collected from the pilot to inform our design. 

Download a meeting flyer and help us spread the word!

Join us on Jan. 30 for a Coolidge Square Open House

Date:               Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Snow Date:     Wednesday, February 7, 2018*

Time:                4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Location:        The Apartments at Coolidge School - Auditorium

                         319 Arlington Street, Watertown

Visitor parking is available in the front of the building and additional spaces are behind the building along the fence. All other spots are for residents only.

The Town of Watertown Department of Public Works invites you to attend an interactive Open House about making Complete Streets improvements on Mount Auburn Street in Coolidge Square. Stop by anytime between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM to review maps and informational materials, discuss your questions with members of the team and Town staff, and provide comments on traffic, safety, bicycle and pedestrian issues, parking and loading concerns, and transit operations on Mount Auburn Street. Download a meeting flyer and help us spread the word!

*In the event of inclement weather, we will notify our email list of any cancellations and post updates on this website.

Join Us at a Public Works Committee Meeting on November 20!

When:     7:15 PM* on Monday, November 20, 2017

Where:   Town Hall, Administration Building

               Richard E. Mastrangelo Council Chamber

               149 Main Street, Watertown, MA

The Watertown Department of Public Works will provide an update on the progress in designing elements of the Mount Auburn Street project at the Public Works Committee meeting. The project team will follow up on comments from the June meeting and provide an update on the project timeline and design.  

We encourage you to download a meeting flyer, review the draft presentation, and help us spread the word. 

*The Committee meeting begins at 6:30 PM; the Mount Auburn Street presentation is scheduled for 7:15 PM.